Hot Chili Stuff. 

Specials that no one else has.











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First-class success.

Without a pitch.

Ideas & Concepts.







It's the brand story that matters.
Storytelling concept workshop.

Our clients strive to be unique and distinguishable with their brand. That's why they attach great importance to creative and targeted concepts that inspire their target groups and increase the visibility of their brand.

In our specialized concept workshop, my team and I work with our clients to develop a tailor-made presentation of their brand. Storytelling, the design of the customer journey and similar elements play a central role in an effective presentation.

Through this intensive cooperation with our clients, we achieve outstanding results together more quickly, which has proven to be particularly effective.

Innovative target group experience.

AI voice bot.








It's the individual conversation that counts.
AI voice bot "Chilenia".


24/7 personal customer contact via a spoken, customer-oriented conversation is important to our customers.
It is essential for them to have their target groups' questions answered individually, to present specific solutions with regard to their products or services and to be referred to the right contact person.

The AI voice bot "Chillenia" is unique in this respect.

With a friendly voice and quick reactions in individual live conversations, it picks up our customers' target groups with pinpoint accuracy and helps them further.

Can be used on websites, trade fairs and events.

Highly expressive employees,

who present your brand persuasively.







It´s all about the presentation of the brand. 
Speaker training in various formats.

Employees embody the face of a brand.
That's why we transform our clients' employees into charismatic speakers in no time at all.
From speech training to movement, appearance and correct breathing, we give your employees impact and charisma.

For those who want it, we incorporate our special RTT hypnosis method, which is specifically designed to say "Good
bye" to fear and nervousness of public speaking forever.

Faster and more focused to success.

Through positively empowered employees.

Business hypnosis.





It's the mindset that matters.

Business-Hypnosen und Mindset-Upgrades für einzelne Mitarbeiter*innen
oder Gruppen.

Our clients use business hypnosis to strengthen resilience, promote creativity, increase focus, efficiency and solution-oriented thinking and support the positive energy of their employees.

Hypnosis reduces the stress level of employees enormously and thus has a positive effect on their state of health.

We achieve the optimization of our clients' employees' mindsets through individual
individual and group hypnosis.

As trained RTT hypnotherapists according to Marisa Peer, my team and I transform the mindset of our clients' employees into a positive, stress-resistant, focused and success-oriented mindset.  

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Fresh thoughts in stressful times.

Keynote speech on the topic:

Creativity, resilience and thought control.





It's the thoughts that count. 
Keynote speech with tips on mind control, self-hypnosis, hypnosis and
mindset upgrades.

According to a study, 90% of our actions are controlled by our subconscious mind.

Wouldn't we all be much more efficient, successful, satisfied, creative and therefore happier?
if we could easily access the positive and motivating power of our mind
and thus take our professional and private lives to a higher level?

Among other things, you and your employees will learn about the laws of the mind and, above all, how you can use them effectively for yourself and your team.

You will learn how you can access the power of your mind, as well as many other insightful and profitable facts about our mind (subconscious and consciousness) in this exciting keynote by Christine Clemenz.

Give us a call or contact Chiliconcept by email:

+49 (0) 173 - 66 605 88.

Alternatively, book an appointment:

With storytelling we turn your brand into a customer magnet.
