Activate Emotions.
Boost Your Brand.





Capturing the hearts of your target groups - that is our mission.

Brand staging, storytelling and production for live marketing and marketing.

Are you looking to make your brand really stand out from the mass of competitors?

Do you want your brand to be perceived as innovative, unique, bold, extraordinary,

inspiring and attractive?

It's the Core that counts. 
Your brand orchestration.

For our clients' brand staging, we achieve magical sales successes with our chilli-hot creative consulting, the chilli-innovative use of AI (analytical AI as the basis for segmentation, targeting and strategy), our chilli-hot storytelling and our chilli-hot precise productions in live marketing, marketing and film.

Our magical customer results:

Our customers

turn their own

target groups into

passionate fans

of their brand.







Hormone activation in storytelling. 
Target group activation through the use of neuroscientific knowledge.

With our unique out-of-the-box creative boosters, targeted storytelling and neuroscientific knowledge, we achieve the following masterpiece:
We specifically activate the hormones oxytocin, endorphin and dopamine in our clients' target groups. This specific hormone activation opens the door to intense emotional experiences that build a deep connection to our customers' brand. Our methodology is based on in-depth neuroscientific research, which enables us to precisely identify and address the emotional triggers of our clients' target groups.

By activating these three hormones through our unique storytelling process, we create not only a short-term awareness but a long-term emotional connection to our clients' brand.

Our strategy aims to anchor our clients' brand in the hearts and minds of their target audience by creating experiences that touch, entertain and reward.

126% increased

faszcination potential

fucused attention

and enormous

brand visibility.







Exceptional brand staging. 
Out-of-the-box ideas, innovative concepts and over 25 years of experience.

Our ideas for brand staging are unusual and exciting. As a result, our clients generate fascination among their target groups, which increases brand loyalty and strengthens the positive brand image. Our creative solutions bring a breath of fresh air to traditional concepts and enable brands to build a real emotional connection with their audience.

Through a sophisticated mix of visual effects, such as 3D animations, hologram shows, film, storytelling, interactive elements and VR, AR and more, we create memorable experiences. Whether for live events, digital campaigns, film projects or trade fairs - we know how to turn every encounter with the brand into an unforgettable moment. Our many years of experience enable us to quickly identify the needs and wishes of the target group and offer customized solutions that are not only eye-catching, but also have a lasting effect.

We work with passion and expertise to make the uniqueness of each brand shine, not just to achieve short-term success but to foster long-term relationships between the brand and the relevant target group.

Brands that achieve these results stage their appearances with us in an exciting, innovative, likeable, bold and unique way.

Up to 77 %

increase in sales.







Stand out from the crowd in your own industry.
Together we tickle the attention receptors of your target group.

Our customers enjoy the luxury of being able to set themselves and their brand apart from the masses without any great effort. This ease is no coincidence, but the result of precise, strategic planning and implementation by our experienced team.

The secret of our success lies in creating emotional, fascinating brand stagings that are not only memorable, but also build a deep connection with the audience. We don't just create advertising - we tell stories that touch hearts and inspire minds. Our brand productions are artfully crafted and perfectly aligned with the brand's values and personality, making each campaign unique and memorable.

We also attach great importance to creating exciting customer journeys. We analyze the needs and desires of our clients' target groups to create tailored experiences that delight target groups at every stage of their journey. Different touchpoints across different channels - every interaction is carefully planned to ensure maximum satisfaction and customer loyalty. Our customer journeys are more than just paths to purchase; they are journeys of discovery that put our customers' brand front and center and leave a lasting impression.

With this combination of emotional brand staging and well thought-out customer journeys, we give our customers a decisive advantage in an increasingly competitive market environment.

Together with our clients, we tickle the attention receptors of their target groups and thus take our clients' brands to new heights.

Our clients are

successful customer magnets

that generate up to


more leads.







Our customers become customer magnets. 
Hip. Innovative. Unique. Eye-catching = Our ideas.


In today's world, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. The challenge of not only gaining the attention of our customers' target group, but also retaining it, is enormous. This is where we come in. We develop ideas in the shortest possible time that are particularly eye-catching at trade fairs and in pre- and post-communication. Our strategy aims to create an unforgettable brand experience through innovative thinking and creative solutions. Our concepts are not only extraordinary and unique, but also tailored specifically to the needs and expectations of our clients' target groups.

We create stories that touch, inspire and are memorable. Our narratives are carefully constructed to create an emotional connection between brand and consumer. Through the use of storytelling, we arouse interest and create a lasting impression.

At the same time, we create a customer journey that guides your target groups through every stage of the customer relationship - from initial awareness, through interest and evaluation, to decision and beyond. Our customer journey is designed not only to inform, but also to entertain and inspire. Through this holistic approach, we create experiences that set your brand apart from the competition and turn your customers into true brand ambassadors.

With our approach, our clients become customer magnets that generate a particularly high number of leads. In a world of sensory overload, we know how to create real highlights that not only stand out, but also have a lasting effect.

With us, our clients put their brand at the center of attention and take their target groups on a journey they won't soon forget.


Brand Staging.

Consulting & Production.

Hybrid. Digital. Live.




   We provide.

Extract from some customer testimonials.
You can find more reviews
on LinkedIn:
Kickoff Informationen zu Ihrem anstehenden Projekt (Messe, Event, Film) Ermittlung, welche KI-Analyse im Hinblick auf Ihr anstehendes Projekt wichtig ist. (virtuell) (1)

Create Excitement.







6 reasons,
why many companies do not achieve better results in live marketing and storytelling
and are standing still:

1. "We are currently on an expenditure cutting course."

While other companies are using these times to consolidate their market position and secure a lasting advantage, you're wondering whether it's wise to simply give your competitors free rein.
In an era where capturing and retaining the attention of your target group is a major challenge, we will set you apart from the competition with an impressively staged brand presence, captivating storytelling and a tailored customer journey, making your brand the shining focus and magnet of your industry.

2. "We don't buy in external staff. We do everything in-house."

The integration of external perspectives and fresh inspiration can significantly boost the success of your project. Whether for events, films, social media campaigns or trade fairs - our comprehensive expertise and innovative approaches in the fields of artificial intelligence, storytelling, technology, process automation, direction and planning will give you an unmistakable competitive advantage.

3. "We are sticking to our old marketing and live marketing strategy, which has proven its worth."

Numerous companies continue to rely on tried-and-tested methods and attach great importance to quality and reliability. However, this approach is no longer enough in today's dynamic world. It is essential to create a deeper psychological and emotional connection between your customers and your brand in order to build loyalty and attract new audiences. Your brand needs to transform into a shining pole of attraction.

Through our fresh approaches to storytelling and creative staging, supported by customized strategies and concepts, we enable your company and brand to establish itself as a unique magnet of attention. This not only promotes strong customer loyalty, but also positions you at the forefront of the competition.

4. "We are already working with a stand builder and an agency."

Does the interaction of your current suppliers really noticeably increase the number of qualified leads through a focused strategy and impressive presentation? Do these suppliers give your brand unparalleled momentum through engaging storytelling?

Do these partners effectively and quickly highlight your brand as a beacon in your industry?

Do not hesitate to contact us! It is our pleasure to be your partner for unique storytelling, creative direction and impressive productions, hand in hand with your established suppliers.

5. "What do you do that other agencies can't?"

Our holistic consulting approach is outstanding in its kind and extends beyond the usual boundaries of events, film productions, social media and trade fairs. It includes pre-communication, automation of sales processes, analytical artificial intelligence, infotainment, storytelling, directing, dramaturgical realization, technical expertise as well as the presentation techniques of your spokespeople and the representation of your company.

Where you would normally have to engage a large number of different agencies and coordinate them laboriously, we offer you a comprehensive solution that saves you time and worry.

6. "I don't know, then I have to take a risk. I don't know you at all."

The fear of overshooting the mark often slows us down unnecessarily. Don't allow doubts to block your path to success. We take you by the hand and walk this path together, step by step, starting with an introductory concept workshop. In this introductory phase, we discuss our respective working methods and develop a comprehensive concept that outlines all potential next steps. At this point, we then decide together how to proceed effectively.

A small selection of customers who have already worked with Chiliconcept:

For a non-binding initial consultation, please contact Chiliconcept:

+49 (0) 173 - 66 605 88.

Alternatively, book an appointment:

Together we will raise

your live marketing to the next level and make a lasting impression on your target groups.









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